Wednesday, December 9, 2020

CotS: Landmarks & Important Locations

 Howdy y'all! This is largely incomplete and some things need to be reworked- I do not always have a working understanding of how geography works- but here are some of the general areas and concepts of how they look.


Tir Duine:

The White Spires, a range of chalk rock formations on the coast of northern Sneigh. The White Spires are a natural barrier

           Graven’s Inlet, an inlet running into the 

the west coast of Kerdia and cuts from northwest to southwest. Allows for naval travel for both Duinians and Summerkind. Named after Graven of Mander, a reputed naval commander. 



The Immortal Forest, a forest of evergreen trees surrounding the southern end of the Northlands. The majority of the pines here are bristlecones, whose longevity has earned them great reverence. 

             The Isle of Skiris, the main island of a chain that is home to whaling folk, red deer, golden eagles, spindlefish, half-moon whales, seals, and various sea birds. Skiris is most notable for being a good destination for 

            Graven’s Inlet


Rukna Hlotan (Roo-kna Hloh-Tan)- Meaning “Broken Promise” in Trine, Rukna Hlotan is a chain of islands that is largely uninhabited. These islands are known as a haven for exiles from the Clans, especially those who have converted to other religions. 

The Teeth- A large chain of fold mountains that provide a natural barrier between the Highlands and the Lowlands. In mythology, the Teeth are believed to have been created by Dhegram to bury the remains of ancient structures. It is believed that, when Dhegram was cast down from the sky in his true form, the collision created the Shelf at the End of the World, where a sizable chunk of the mountain range split off from the mainland. Some of his reverent followers believed that Dhegram found a way back to the buried castle, else that the Trinurian invaders took his bones there. Montane forests span the edges of the Teeth on either side of the mountains. There are many caves that contain relics of the Sunter and other ancient peoples. The Teeth inspire much awe in fear in the native people who live near it. 

Darkrock Pass- A pass in the Teeth that separates the Trinelands from Tir Duine. It is called the Red Pass sometimes for being the location of many bloody ambushes. There is a wall that has been erected to keep the ulfur out 

Hashi’s Pass- A mountain pass on the eastern end of the Teeth that divides Hima and the mainland. Hashi’s Pass is a part of the mountains that wrap around and protect the eastern end of Himayeshi. 

Empire Territories:



Mount Phumuyan (Foo-moo-yawn, means “smoking rock”)- The large conical volcanic mountain that sits a few miles from Petramos. Mt.Phumushan is an attraction for many foreigners and has played an important part in its creation of large deposits of marble and calcite. 

Pales (Pahl-Es)- A grounds to the northeast of the main capital in the mountains. It is well-known for the Palesian Crater, a large impact site and the ground on which the Hektoni dwarves first started to mine meteorites. This is also home to the Hatasua, who learned their craft from the Hekton smiths.

Alterica (Alt-tear-ick-ah)- The land of heather in the mid-eastern part of Ager. Alterica is known as a city that skirts the proximity of the northern boglands.  Though there is a diverse amount of species of shrub plants, it can be difficult to grow anything else in the acidic soil. Despite this, Alterica is still known and admired for its great beauty. 

        Imber (Im-burr)- Known as the “rain cloud city”, Imber is known for the orographic clouds that pour like waterfalls over its scenic mountains. A beautiful location that is prone to plenty of cumulus pileus clouds on pleasant days and gorgeous cumulonimbus clouds during stormy weather. 



Hrûrok- A series of cross-bedded sandstone formations and outcrops, most notable for being a haven for red lions and many types of ungulates, especially Caprinae. Hrûrok is a stunning example of the Southern Steppelands and its climate, especially around the Jaws. Hrûrok is an important landmark for the Khutsi, who regularly visit this location to breed Khurkhut rams. (Inspirations- Zion National Park, Bogda-Baskunchak National Park, Sedona, 



       The Palace Built By Ten Thousand Hands- A gorgeous palace that is famously built by slaves of the Bellehu family of the Magia. Outside of the gates, two quartz figures hold up a pair of planters. Two more individuals are holding two large braziers. (“It was built with much blood, sweat, and labour. Good thing it was not our own.”)

Unaffiliated or Unclaimed:

Empire Territories:

         Cletu Ikini (Clay-two Ik-ee-knee)- Hakimesh for “cleft ocean” or “child of the ocean,” the Cletu Ikini is a subterranean river that runs through the Makata karst mountains in south eastern and central Hegros. 

L’usho Ksha’ala- A series of cenotes above the Cletu Ikini and other underground currents and water pools. 


Jaws of Nassa- A series of large, gorgeous sandstone canyons, most notable perhaps for the smooth shapes that have been carved into the rock… as well as the Naga denizens that live there. (Inspirations- Antelope Canyon, 


Rawah River- The life-giving River that was supposedly made by the two gods, Varsa and Vasan, to save the fleeing tribes of Namir from dying in the desert. It leads into a bay further west and flows downward to the west and southeast, leading to a small oasis in the latter. (Inspiration- The Nile River)


Esnesian Border:

Nasagos/Nasga River- A massive river channel that cuts through the continent’s jungle border and into Esnes. Passes around Leia and further into Ka. It has several points where it seems to loop or curl, leading to it being called the Serpent in the Aithiopan tongue. (Inspirations- Amazon River, Nile River, 



Astra’za’s (Astra-Zah) Archway to The Heavens: One of the wonders of Modern Nassavra, the Archway to the Heavens is a track where waterwheels and steam apparatuses help power lifts that raise visitors through a glass arch that travels from the bottom of the Egnesius Trench to the battlements of the castle. A handful of amunculi are posted on the walls, simple automatons that serve the purpose of calling out the time of day and greeting visitors. These are fashioned in the images of gryphocampi that overlook the city. Every evening before the castle closes its doors to visitors, the gryphocampi expel water from their nostrils in a misty spray using hydraulic power. 

Astra’za’s Handwashing Piccas: Two fish automatons that “float” above a basin. Using a flush mechanism, one fish empties the water basin while another refills it with water from its mouth. Built by the legendary Shuni immigrant. 

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