Hello my friends! Was thinking up some fun animals and plants unique to certain parts of the CotS world. Here are some of them. As always, things are subject to change, but here are some critters and flora so far!
Phuo Bird = A “fire bird,” the Phuo is a red ibis with a yellow undercoat, a poff of hair above its eyes, and frilled muffs (long tufts of leg down). It is believed to be the animal that sparked the legend of the phoenix, as a handful of these birds were observed reversing the stages of their lives and growing up continually, essentially eternally. It is believed that this is in part to their connection with the native forest valley where they live, leading them to become essentially immortal.
Lightning Bird = A species of
Tidemare = An aquatic horse that is the favored mount of many eastern coastal Piskur peoples.
Floating Isle = Also known as a “shuttle pig,” the floating idle is an amphibious famous for carrying small beasts, fungus, and even Cnidaria on its disc-shaped back. It has a flat face and tall orbitals, which keeps its eyes above water.
Labrys Crocodile = Having a thin snout that broadens at the end, the Labrys crocodile is one of the most feared animals in Hegros. Layered with many spines and fins, even the mere sight of this animal is a horror. A high percentage of these crocs have been found to have a white coloration. This has made them the target of poaching for many years, though they are only a target for the brave.
Masked Occisor = A beast of prey that represents a cross between a boar and muskrat. The masked occisor is not particularly big, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in ferocity. The masked occisor is known to puncture the necks of its prey- most often fish, amphibians, and water fowl. It has been known to deliver painful wounds to suntoids as well. The masked occisor has other means of defense as well. When in danger or excited, it releases a gland that can irritate the nasal passages of those who smell it, even causing a deadly reaction.
Grogir = A semi-aquatic mammal with a frilled mane and tail. Broad of head and strong bodied, the grogir is a force to be reckoned with when encountered. The grogir’s powerful jaws are said to be able to split skulls like the river melons they love so much. Grogir are a rare instance of venomous marsupials. The grogir has several subspecies, including those who are able to conduct electricity and those who are able to produce venom more potently.
Danguru Plant = Dehmish for “tongue wound”, the danguru plant is a species of horseradish that is particularly spicy. Used for clearing out nasal passages and sinuses, it is very valuable for trail remedies.
Dulig-Dulig = A cloven mammal that is both notorious for its small stature and big, adorable eyes. Named after the Dehmish word “dulig” which means “small”.
Broad-Headed Tortoise = Also called the “dusk tortoise” for its crepuscular nature, the broad-headed tortoise is unique in the sense that it has a wide, spade-like head with its own shell-like armor covering it. The broad-headed tortoise’s shell and meat is often viewed as having beneficial medicinal uses in Hegresian cultures.
Steppeland Spearsnake = A rat snake that is common to the grasslands of Hegros, spearsnakes get their names from the shape of their heads and their form of lunging at prey. Spearsnakes are most commonly brown or golden, though there are some instances of them being stark white. These snakes are very rare and their insides sell for quite a bit of money.
Golden Lady Snakes = A snake known for being beautiful, often times this animal comes in various shades of gold. Like eyelash vipers, they have small ridges along their brow that makes them appear to have such features. In Hwento, Golden Lady snakes are considered magic. In Shun, the snakes often have a negative connotation, being seen as the servants or incarnations of Nagas.
Steppestrider = Long-legged jackal that is known for its gangly appearance. Contrary to its carnivorous build, the steppestrider is actually omnivorous, preferring eating roots and insects as opposed to game.
Dhegram’s Ram = A huge species of sheep that strides on six legs and is covered in rigid, keratin growths. Dhegram’s Ram is known to be the mount of choice for the Khutsi and Khaamuk people. The animal is special in regards to its unique anatomy, which is said to have been caused by eating forbes that were soaked in dragon blood. There is a popular account of a ewe competing with males to win over females. This has become a popular tale in the Dhemur community about overcoming disadvantages and using inner strength to pursue your heart’s desires.
Malkresh = A beautiful cattle whose spotted pelt looks like ore and griss. Called “malkresh” or “bad flesh”, the malkresh cattle is known for having an extremely short span of time in which it can be eaten. It’s flesh rots quickly after death but is very moist soon after butchering. Due to this, it is considered a delicacy to many.
Axios = A breed of antelope that has large, almost circular head horns and a curved nose horn, a strong neck, and a thin face. The Axios antelope is one of the staples of Steppe-farer’s diets. It’s distinctive stripes have made it a prized beast for its pelt as well as its meat.
Conehorn = An antelope that is known for their beautiful curving horns and manes. Making almost a swirling pattern, these horns have been inspirational to the art style of the Antol people. These animals are considered almost magical to many people who see them. It is believed that the horns of a conehorn bring good luck.
Hoppling = A small statured bipedal creature with nine springy tails and a round face of similar appearance to a seal. The hoppling is believed to be related to the steppe springer, although there are quite a few differences in appearance.
Tenhorn Deer = A species of deer that is known for its broad, impressively large antlers.
Redmane = A cloven beast of prey who is named after their curly red manes, which fall down on either side of their long necks. It has feet that are round, sort of like a camel’s. The redmane has strong hind legs which it uses to pummel predators that get too close. It has three back toes and four front toes.
Kinky Horse = Contrary to how that name sounds, it actually refers to the kinky hair and mane of the breed. The kinky horse is a very easygoing wild horse that comes in a variety of colors, though most are brown, black, and golden. These horses often have light bodies and darker colored legs and muzzles.
Butrow = A small burrowing reptile that has a unique broad face with exaggerated eyes and a sharp-toothed smile.
Field Chicken = With it’s majestic multi-layered feather patterns and golden coloration, the field chicken is an excellent example of how to camouflage in the Steppes.
Echoer Bird = A bird that is known for producing complex songs to attract its mate. The more complex the song the better. It copies other animals sounds and is even known to be able to reproduce the sounds of battle and clanking metal. They are very important in folklore and have featured in many stories, perhaps the most popular story including an echoer making the sound of a blade unsheathing and instigating a battle.
Luwa Fruit = A yellow drupe plant with a milky purple interior. In the springtime, the tree bears luwa fruit flowers, erupting into bright white and purple flowers of a sweet and appealing scent. Luwa blossom perfume is popular among Arésian ladies and Naiban nobles. Perhaps most well-known for its tangy flavor and fast-acting fermentation, the luwa fruit is often used in the production of maruluuk, a salé Dhemish staple brew in the Steppes.
Whitecrown = A hearty flowering herbaceous plant that can withstand practically any condition- rain, shine, snow, and flooding- and is revered by Steppe-faring peoples for its medicinal properties. Whitecrown, or ‘taggrav’ in Dhemish, is also used in honorary services, representing a willingness to remain long after all else is gone. It is burned at many Khutsi and Khaama funerals and celebrations of life.
Pala Shrub (Bloodshrub) = A flowering shrub that produces crimson petals. In some mythos, it is believed that the blood of the Sky-Father rained down over these shrubs and painted them red. Has a high amount of anthocyanins.
Harper Owl = A small owl that is known for having a call that sounds like the snapping of strings.
Orange Ugabi = A species of gibbon living at the peaks of the western karst mountains. Deforestation has stolen much of their habitat away. Only by inhabiting the temples and shrines that have remained relatively untouched for centuries have these rare animals survived. They are now protected by pilgrims who come to pay homage to the Gods, and elsewise remain largely forgotten.
Ten-Whiskered Otter = An otter that lives in the wetlands of western Hegros. It’s not particularly different/unique from your average otter, but darn is it cute!
Anguis Atrox = Latin for “terrible snake,” the anguis atrox is a large freshwater serpent that dwells in the swamps of western Hegros. The anguis atrox has a venom that can curdle a man’s blood in one minute. Its distinctive purple sheen has made it a feared but highly noticeable animal in the land where it lives.
Armored Salamander = A swamp newt that is notable for its segmented jade green and silver scale patterns, making it appear to be wearing armor. The armored salamander is in no way any stronger than its brethren, though it gives the outward appearance of a hearty animal.
Noble Salamander = A gorgeous red and gold newt that lives in the marshlands. Though not particularly large, the noble salamander is known to produce large clutches of eggs, which are sought after by native predators and hunters alike.
Viridius Vernus = A type of alligator that sports a bright green color and blue frills atop its head. In layman’s nomenclature, it is also known as a blue gator. These animals are considered significantly more laidback than their cousins, to the point where fables often label them as lazy. A unique aspect of their anatomy is the second set of jaws located in the back of their throat, similarly those of an eel.
Brackish Caiman = Also known as a greater caiman, this type of croconid is known for growing to impressive sizes (though smaller than its alligator relatives) and being able to seamlessly blend into the water of their homeland. This makes the brackish caiman a deadly foe, as they are able to ambush even the most skillful rivermen.
Watcher of the Lotus, Xenerainu = A type of almost mythical creature that is said to lurk in the swamp land, luring people in under a friendly guise, asking them riddles before drowning them and eating them, regardless of whether the person answers correctly or not. It is said to resemble a seal-like creature with sleek underfins, a fishtail, and hypnotic eyes. The actual animal is similar in appearance, but as far as anybody knows does not actually verbally communicate with travellers, nor does it drown them, preferring instead the native fish and small prey animals of the swamp.
Nocte Anguis = Also known as the “noctisian snake” or simply “nocti,” this impressively large snake is known for its almost pure black coloration and calm temperment. Known to strangle even the largest alligators, the nocti is revered by those who know them well and feared by those who do not.
Umbral Cat = An aquatic panther that lives in the forests of the marshes. An umbral cat is a fierce predator, able to strike quickly and seemingly out of nowhere. These felines are also known to inhabit the limestone sinkholes along the coastal regions. The Umbral panther has a split tail at the end, both of which have sort of rattlers that are designed to look like the native fruit of the cymbal tree. Umbral panthers will both lounge in trees to draw prey in or will pretend to have their tails appear as floating fruits on the water’s brim, striking their prey from under the water. Umbral panthers have the unique ability swim for long periods of time, having webbed toes (similar to a Sumatran tiger) and impressive diaphragms.
Cymbal Tree = In the subtropical forests of western Hegros, the cymbal tree is a medium sized stooping tree that grows bumpy brown fruit. The seeds inside the shell of this fruit rattle when shaken, and these seeds are actually what most animals find delectable. The fruit itself has an almost savory taste which some find unpleasant, but the cymbalseeds are a bit spicy and almost sweet.
Hegresian Bitterberry = A type of cranberry that grows in the wetlands of northwestern Hegros.
Greater Karst Owl = An owl that is exceedingly large, living in the karst mountains of northern and central Hegros.
Black Marmot = A marmot species whose fur pattern includes streaks of black around the eyes and nose. Typically feasts on grasses, nuts, lichen, and other foods.
Cragcat = A fearsome spotted beast, the cragcat prowls in the shadows of mountain passes. Cragcats are often dark in coloration, with brown or black spots and stripes running along their bodies.
Auburn Smiling Cat = Though ranging in colors from red to bright orange to nearly yellow, the auburn smiling cat is a large feline that resembles a tiger in many ways, save for having exaggerated upper incisors. Their beautiful patterns often make them prized beasts for capture and pelts. The auburn smiling cat is a relative of the parent species Esnesian smiling cat, with which it shares several similarities.
Slinking Hyrax +
Bog Lurker = Living past the montane landscapes of the Steppes, the bog lurker is a kind of amphibious creature that occupies bog shallows in the northern reaches of Hegros.
Weltbelly Pig = A species of wild pig recognized by the dark brown blotches on its white-furred stomach. The weltbelly is known for being aggressive, with males having large tusks and females having sharp bottom teeth made for warding off predators.
Friar Oak = A broadly based oak that tends to grow in a rotund shape, resembling a jolly fat friar.
= A fearsome
Saddlebag Camel + A cloven animal with drooping sacks on the side of its body for carrying water
Heiko = A beast that is similar to a camel in how it retains water, except that it has six bumpy growths on its back instead of one or two large humps. It also has a large lump on its neck which it uses to batter flies away. It has large, thin ears that it uses to cool itself off in the heat. The heiko is often bred for traveling and companionship, being able to carry large loads on its back and withstand the arid heat of the desert.
Borderline Bauhinia = A bauhinia that grows just on the border between the greener lands of the central parts of Hegros and the southern arid lands.
Caultufru Parrot = A massive raptor bird with brightly colored feathers. It stands out because it has virtually nothing else to fear. Before human hunters arrived in Dans, the Cualtufru was the number one apex predator. Despite being able to eat
Smiling Guest = A catarrhine monkey that is known for its big smiles- not actually grind, but rather ways of warning off predators. The Smiling Guest’s teeth are renowned for being very large, so impressively so that ancient Dansish peoples used to make jewelry out of them.
Monque Arage = A speckled monkey that is small and short of limb.
Beauglese Monkey = A species of monkey with a white and red visage and what appears to be a curly mustache.
Red Mantis = A type of colorful mantis that is known for its quick reflexes and animated gestures. The red mantis is capable enough to fight off predators with ease. They have a form of fighting that is practically a martial art, raising the arms and using their long appendages to jab at enemies. This can be used as a bluff to try and look bigger to confuse the enemy.
Flower Mantis = A type of mantis known for its beautiful eyes and pristine coloration. (Based off of the orchid mantis.)
Flying Spider = An arachnophobic nightmare of epic proportions, the flying spider is a type of winged arachnid that is capable of gliding with flaps on its exoskeleton. It can adjust its descent by deploying its webbing.
Murky Spinthra = A species of spider that dwells in the forests of Doru. Known for their intricate and massive webs, the murky spinthra specializes in creating complex interwoven webs to help capture moths and other insects that venture too far up into the spire trees. Unlike many spiders, spinthras are actually communal and work together like ants to tackle their problems. They have beautiful muted grey carapaces that swirl with often cool colored chitin.
Tír Duine
Blood Butterflies = A species of butterfly that has a long, sharp proboscis. It uses its tongue to pierce a hole in its prey, draining its blood. They appear almost indistinguishable from other non-threatening butterflies, allowing them to get close to potential prey bugs and drink them dry. Though beautiful, these butterflies are (understandably) considered to be a pest by Duinians who raise their own insects. However, some clever assassins have managed to get the blood of individuals through breeding these animals, preparing them for curses
Karm Beetle = Also referred to as a “spice beetle,” the karm beetle is a brown and black bug with red wings. It is about three inches on average. When ground or consumed outright, it has a smoky and almost spicy flavor that makes it a fantastic bug to be bred for the purposes of spice.
Béacha Bees = A species of bee that Duinians pride themselves in raising, the Béacha bee is known as one of the most important animals in Duinian culture. The bees tend to use wit over might to overwhelm threats that enter their hive, using their body heat to roast other bugs alive, employing ambush tactics, and dropping parts of the comb to hit or distract enemies. Once a threat is dealt with, the bees check in on the young members of the community and the queen and head back to their daily routine. Béacha bees are known to produce a potent, warm honey that is excellent for mead production. Duinians take great care not to harm their bees, perhaps sacrificing large amounts of honey at times but preserving the safety and trust of their apian allies. Young boys are known to raise bees from a young age. Similar to how some people keep dogs, raising bees is thought to be honorable because it teaches respect, responsibility, and patience.
Cudin’s Boar = Recognized as the only prey animal to successfully be able to keep the great hound Cudin at bay, this boar is easily spotted for its impressive size and ferocity. The ungulate has six tusks in total- a set of upper tusks that grows through the roof of the mouth, a second set of upper tusks that protrudes from the sides of the lip, and a third pair that comes out from the bottom mandible. There is a legend of a seven-tusked boar, named Maoch (“may-uk,” inspired by the Gaulish words laoch for warrior and moccos for boar) who was able to defend his family against Cudin, earning the respect of the hunter and given his own glade to live in.
Starlip = A type of subterranean mammal that is known for its many feelers, long bottom jaw, a rather long tail, and colossal claws. The mole has been bred for centuries, used to find precious bugs and beetles that are considered delicacies to the Duinian palette.
Duine Beag (subject to change since this is straight up Irish) = Duinian for “a small person,” the Duine Beag (sometimes shortened to Beag) is a species of monkey living in the forests on the coast. The Beag is a monkey with a long torso, short short snout, and long fur that looks almost mossy.
Daroskana = Also known as the “hooksnake”, a constrictor snake whose ragged placoid scales serve as barbs to dig into struggling prey.
Piercer Snake = Hiding in the rocky faces of the Jaws, the piercer snake often tucks away in cool rock crevices to wait for prey. They tend to lurk in clutches, ambushing their prey and taking them into their lairs.
Hotfoot Iguana = Known for its high knees and extraordinary speed, the hotfoot lizard is the natural prey of piercer snakes and other serpents in the desert.
Bakaru Monkey = A monkey that lives in the southwest parts of Naiba, towards the jungle region. These monkeys perch in sandstone formations and make their homes in the sparse trees. The bakaru monkey also lives in the city and it is quite common to see troupes occupying the Temple of the Triasa.
Ara Bird += A small, colorful genus of bird (most commonly has a shimmering plumage and is black and yellow) that is known to mate for life. Also known as a “bumblebee bird” or a “lover bird”, the Ara bird will often refresh its relationship by presenting special gifts to its mate, including shells and shiny baubles. The bird will also prepare mating grounds meticulously by decorating it with attractive fruits and removing dead foliage. The Ara bird is known to preen, groom, and sing to its mate often. The legends of the Ara bird are vast and Naibans view them as the pinnacle of romantic love. A person who wishes to show their devotion to a partner might’ve captured (in older times) or otherwise gift a pair of mated Ara’s to their beloved. This is also where the term “the birds and the bees” comes from. A popular tale involves Princess Usino rejecting the gift of an Ara bird, claiming that if one’s love is true, then it must be free and willing to stay on its own. The way that she knew the love was true, however, was that the two birds stayed even when offered their freedom.
Shimmershell = A type of turtle with a lustrous outer keratin shell and an inner iridescent nacre part, which create small pearls when sand is stuck inside of them. They are highly sought after for their shells, which are thought to embody Naiban values of aesthetic beauty and natural wonder.
Urdu = A fanged even-toed ungulate that burrows in the sand and feasts on desert crickets.
Harukika = A large flightless insect that resembles a cricket in some ways. A harukika has a painful, but not venomous, bite and sports a large pair of mandibles. It typically eats dune ants.
Nagaigo = Naiban for “long jaw,” the nagaigo is a species of crocodile that is known for being rather large. Living in the Nasaga river running into Esnes, the nagaigo is most certainly the apex aquatic predator in Shun.
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