Hehn Definition:
“And so the Goddess infused Her breath into the planet, and this became the Hehn: The force of creation and energy that gives Nassavra life.”
Verse 10 of H’Ster’s Truths
Also known as Humzii, Hefum, and Nómugu among other terms, Hehn can be described as the essence of creation and change that binds the whole of Nassavra together.
Hehn, according to magisters, is the primary energy source that is responsible for aspects of elemental and natural creation. Like all energy, Hehn can be manipulated into different shapes, though the methods of doing so differ greatly than all other forms.
When the planet was created, it is said that H’Ster drew different elements together from the expanse of the cosmos to form everything. H’Ster found what she needed and pulled it together. Pure energy, then, is the closest correlation to Hehn in modern lexicon.
Hehn is not one definable aspect of life energy. Rather, it encompasses all elements, the power of healing, and the ability to shape and rearrange cellular structure. Such ancient techniques as warding or true transmutation are lost on much of Mankind, who are more limited to powers of basic healing and elemental magic. More often than not, ‘Hehn’ is used to also refer to the use of magic.
To tap into Hehn, a user must share the essence of their life force. This is why it is draining for wizards to use large and powerful spells. In order to receive the boons of Hehn, you must first be willing to give. This prevents extreme actions to be done on a whim. That is why Hehn is sometimes referred to as “the balanced energy.” The exchange counteracts reckless behaviour and helps to protect the planet from massive, spontaneous changes and forces them to take gradual ones.
Hehn, as it is the life energy of the planet and all those who live on it, is in every being. The matter of using it, however, is limited to either those who study its effects and learn the ability to manipulate it (often called mages, wizards, witches, enlightened, or warlocks) and channel its energy using elixirs and extracts from powerful Hehn sources (such as the Heart Tree), and those who have innate connections that are stronger than an average person’s, more often than not related to Dragons in some capacity (often called sorcerers, anim, Oinin, or dragonblooded). This is why the Duhwin are some of the most renowned magic users, as they were given blood connections to the Oinos themselves, making then innately grand in potential, though not innately competent in skill.
People who are more closely related to dragons bear stronger connections to Hehn, but strong magical power can also be introduced artificially. One of the Emperor’s of Ager, Emperor Neri IV, had begun experimentation on the Horn of Degrahm to see whether or not it would prove to have any magical resonance. Sure enough, a piece of the horn was able to fuel a powerful energy in him. Unfortunately, he was killed in a siege on the old Empire at the hands of native Ghoffs. The research would later be picked up by Emperor Caxi some 300 years later.
Hehn History & Uses
The first group of people that were able to use the Hehn, according to evidence found in a series of burial structures, were the Sunter. They had been the first to drink from the waters of Doru and eat the great fruits, as well as create great structures from the materials and resources around them.
The Oinos, seeing their ability and the potential for great powers and kingdoms to be built, later taught mortalkind how to use the Hehn. Sure enough, they were able to create greater objects, places of magic, and with the wells and fonts of Hehn that the dragons shared they built great kingdoms for their masters to live. Humans cannot control certain areas of magic as well as dragonblooded individuals can. Transmutation, for instance, is a skill that only sorcerers can possess. Likewise, drudic magic can be universal across all groups of people, but certain cultures have a greater aptitude for it due to the cultivated knowledge over the centuries.
Around the time that Elves evolved from Sunter living in the forests of Doru, their magical capability was founded with Wesser and when they started coexisting with their ecosystems, drinking from the springs where the Great Trees grew. Their magic is called druidic Hehn, essentially being the energy derived from forging a symbiotic relationship with other living beings. This includes plants and animals. In the case of certain early Elvish tribes, they tethered their lifesource to those of the trees that they lived in, enabling them to send one another vibrations that could alert them to possible danger. This was a method that was beneficial to both parties. Using the powers of growth and healing can take away from the physical constitution of the caster, so these are often used sparingly, but when the burden is shared with another living being then the penalties and costs of using it are halved. This is one of the reasons why Elvenkind is particularly adept at magic use, as they have a greater deposit of energy at their fingertips.
Dhemur that follow the ways of Ishu focus on living without abusing the powers of Hehn. They focus instead on receiving the life energy of biotic beings and returning their energies back to the Hehn, allowing the cycle to continue. Hence, they have a very nature-oriented lifestyle. It is certainly not impossible for Dhemur to learn magic, but it is dissuaded by centuries of custom, and as a result has become very difficult to learn from local sources unwilling to lend their aid.
When the people of Nassavra freed themselves from draconic control, they also crippled themselves in the uses of magic. The knowledge was sometimes banned, forsaken, or reduced due to the implications of their origins and the dangers that were presented by wielding such power. Over time, the majority of magic was limited to simple elemental spells or basic healing
While the world would continue on without dragons and without the Heart Tree, as ecosystems are now more or less set in place, there are dangers to both disappearing. Certain civilizations have built their entirety on the use of Hehn, being able to habituate in impossible places due to using it
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