Just as it says, this is basically just testing out a metrical format of 3 5 7 7 7 7.
Here is one drafted by Gamir following Varsa into the northern reaches of Hima:
3 Frigid gale
5 Brings breath to many
7 Weary children at command,
7 Who chase your heavy footfalls
7 And the timbre of your voice,
7 Follow into yonder land
Here is a popular poem by a Leian traveler venturing into Naiba for the first time:
3 Ancient Shun
5 I love your daughter
7 My oasis in these sands
7 Skin as golden as the dune
7 A voice like flowing water
7 Heart as green as verdant lands
And here is a popular poem to introduce children to the metrical structure:
3 Creeping cat
5 Your wiles have failed you
7 Hounds have heard your feathered feet
7 Gone now is the squeaking rat
7 And four tall walls surround you
7 Cornered in your own defeat
Here is an old poem sung by the tribes of ancient Shuni people shortly after their exodus from the Kingdom of Ka:
3 God on high
5 Have You heard our call?
7 Your loyal people crying
7 We waste away like dry fronds.
7 Do you hear, Almighty One?
7 Your little children dying.